Youth Sports

2025 Winter Sports Guide

View the 2025 Winter Sports Guide


Winter Youth Coed Basketball League

This program is designed to help participants learn the game of basketball as well as help sharpen their skills through practice and game play!

  1. Start Date:
    Mighty Mites = January 13th (Exact start date)
    5-14 year olds = January 13th (Week of)
  2. End Date:
    Mighty Mites = February 24th (Exact end date)
    5-14 year olds = February 28th (5-8) & March 1st (9-14)
  3. Registration:
    Early Bird = November 12th – November 25th
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective: $90
    Regular = November 26th – December 23rd
    • Members: $60
    • Prospective: $100
  4. Late = December 24th – January 2nd (*Spots will be Limited!*)
    • Members: $70
    • Prospective: $110
  5. Games:
    Mighty Mites (3-4 year olds) = Mondays
    5-6 Division = Friday Nights
    7-8 Division = Friday Nights
    9-11 Division = Saturday Mornings / Early Afternoon
    12-14 Division = Saturday Afternoons
  6. Practices:
    Mighty Mites (3-4 year olds) = Mondays
    5-14 Divisions = Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesday OR Thursday
  7. Skills Evaluation: January 4th
    9-11 Division = 10:30am-11:30am
    12-14 Division = 11:30am-12:30pm
  8. Coaches Meeting: Informational Email
    no in-person meeting


Junior Leaders – Referees & Coaches

In these specialized leadership courses, participants will learn leadership skills along with other specialized sport specific skills through trainings, hands on experience and classroom instruction!

  1. Session Dates & Sport Focus
    Session #1: January 20th - February 22nd = Basketball
    Session #2: March 31st - May 3rd = Soccer
    Session #3: August 18th - September 27th = Soccer (OFF 8/26-9/1)
    Session #4: November 3rd - December 13th = Basketball (OFF 11/24 – 11/30)
  2. Registration: ** Spots are Limited **
    Session #1 = December 1st – January 5th
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective: $75
    Session #2 = February 10th – March 16th
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective: $75
    Session #3 = July 1st – August 3rd
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective: $75
    Session #4 = September 15th – October 19th
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective: $75
  3. Ages & Time Frames:
    Ages 12-15
    One Classroom Session a week
    One Hands on Session a week


Youth Coed Tumbling Program

YMCA Tumbling teaches basic gymnastic skills, as well as helps participants gain confidence, coordination, flexibility and strength!

  1. Start Date: January 25th
  2. End Date: February 22nd
  3. Registration: *Spots limited per class*
    Early Bird = December 1st – December 14th
    • Members: $45
    • Prospective Members: $85
    Registration = December 15th – January 11th
    • Members: $55
    • Prospective Members: $95
    Late Registration = January 12th – January 18th
    • Members: $65
    • Prospective Members: $105
  4. Age Divisions, Days & Times:
    Saturday Mornings: Aerobics Studio
    • 2-3 = 9:45am – 10:15am
    • 4-6 = 10:30am = 11:15am
  5. Age & Skill Levels:
    Ages 2-3 = Beginner / Mommy & Me
    Ages 4-6 = Beginner - Intermediate


YMCA Karate Program

This Karate program will be taught by 3rd Degree Black Belt Dave Deihl, and will cover the style of Isshin-ryū, an Okinawan karate which focuses on self-defense as well as improving ones physical and mental state. The class will meet every Tuesday and Thursday at the YMCA!

  1. Start Date: February 4th
  2. End Date: March 13th
  3. Registration: *Spots limited*
    Early Bird = December 1st – December 14th
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective Members: $90
    Registration = December 15th – January 24th
    • Members: $60
    • Prospective Members: $100
    Late Registration = January 25th – January 31st
    • Members: $70
    • Prospective Members: $110
  4. Age Divisions, Days, Times, Location:
    Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Aerobics Studio
    6 years old & up
    5:30pm – 6:30pm
  5. Attire:
    T-Shirt Included for New Students ONLY
    Gi must be purchased through the YMCA and is $30


Youth Golf Clinic

During this 4 day Golf clinic participants will learn the basics, fundamentals and etiquette of golf, along with other important life lessons such as sportsmanship!

  1. Dates: March 3rd, 5th, 6th & 7th
  2. Registration: ** Spots are Limited **
    Early Bird = January 4th – January 17th
    • Members: $24
    • Prospective Members: $48
    Regular Registration = January 18th – February 21st
    • Members: $34
    • Prospective Members: $58
    Late Registration = February 22nd – February 28th
    • Members: $44
    • Prospective Members: $68
  3. Ages & Time Frames:
    Ages 7-8 from 5:30pm – 6:30pm
    Ages 9-11 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm


Archery Clinic

During this 5 day Archery Clinic, our certified instructor will teach the basics of how to shoot a bow and arrow!

  1. Start Date: March 10th
  2. End Date: March 14th
  3. Registration: ** Spots are Limited **
    Early Bird = February 1st – February 7th
    • Members: $35
    • Prospective Members: $65
    Regular Registration = February 8th – February 28th
    • Members: $45
    • Prospective Members: $75
    Late Registration = March 1st – March 7th
    • Members: $55
    • Prospective Members: $85
  4. Ages & Time Frames:
    Ages 9 & up = 5:30pm – 6:30pm


Youth Dance Program

In this 7 week Youth Dance Program, participants will learn dance moves and a routine which they will perform at halftime of one of our Youth Indoor Soccer Games!

  1. Start Date: March 22nd
  2. End Date/ Performance Date: May 10th
  3. * NO Class Apr. 19th *
  4. Registration: ** Spots are Limited **
    Early Bird = February 1st – February 14th
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective Members: $90
    Regular Registration = February 15th – March 14th
    • Members: $60
    • Prospective Members: $100
    Late Registration = March 15th – March 21st
    • Members: $70
    • Prospective Members: $110
  5. Ages & Time Frames:
    4-6 years olds = 9:45am – 10:30am
    7-9 years olds = 10:45am – 11:30am


Youth Coed Indoor Soccer League

This program is designed to help participants learn the game of soccer as well as help sharpen their skills through practice and game play!

  1. Start Date:
    Mighty Mites = March 17th (Exact start date)
    5-11 year olds = March 17th (Week of)
  2. End Date:
    Mighty Mites = May 12th (Exact end date)
    5-11 year olds = May (5-7 end on 16th, 8-11 on 17th)
  3. Registration: ** Spots are Limited **
    Early Bird = January 18th – January 31st
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective Members: $90
    Regular = February 1st – February 28th
    • Members: $60
    • Prospective Members: $100
    Late = March 1st – March 7th (*Spots will be Limited!*)
    • Members: $70
    • Prospective Members: $110
  4. Games:
    Mighty Mites (3-4 year olds) = Mondays
    5-7 Division = Friday Nights
    8-11 Division = Saturday Mornings/ Early Afternoon
  5. Practices:
    Mighty Mites (3-4 year olds) = Mondays
    5-11 Divisions = Wednesday OR Thursday tentatively
  6. Notes:
    No Practices or Games March 24th – 29th
    No games April 19th – 21st
  7. Coaches Meeting: Informational Email, no in-person meeting


Youth Baseball Clinic

During this 4 day Youth Baseball Clinic, our instructor will teach the basics of Baseball, as well as help sharpen skill sets through fun filled drills and games!

  1. Start Date: March 24th
  2. End Date: March 27th
  3. Registration: ** Spots are Limited **
    Early Bird = February 1st – February 14th
    • Members: $24
    • Prospective Members: $48
    Regular Registration = February 15th – March 14th
    • Members: $34
    • Prospective Members: $58
    Late Registration = March 15th – March 21st
    • Members: $44
    • Prospective Members: $68
  4. Ages & Time Frames:
    Ages 5-8 = 5:00pm – 6:00pm


YMCA Karate Program

This Karate program will be taught by 3rd Degree Black Belt Dave Deihl, and will cover the style of Isshin-ryū, an Okinawan karate which focuses on self-defense as well as improving ones physical and mental state. The class will meet every Tuesday and Thursday at the YMCA!

  1. Start Date: April 1st
  2. End Date: May 8th
  3. Registration: *Spots limited*
    Early Bird = February 11th – February 24th
    • Members: $50
    • Prospective Members: $90
    Registration = February 25th – March 24th
    • Members: $60
    • Prospective Members: $100
    Late Registration = March 25th – March 31st
    • Members: $70
    • Prospective Members: $110
  4. Age Divisions, Days, Times, Location:
    Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Aerobics Studio
    6 years old & up
    5:30pm – 6:30pm
  5. Attire:
    T-Shirt Included for New Students ONLY
    Gi must be purchased through the YMCA and is $30